Supervised Reading and Research

EASTD 91r: Supervised Reading and Research allows you to design your own course with the guidance of an EALC faculty member. This course is designed to provide letter-graded concentration credit for research and academic study not available in regular course work.*

*Supervised Reading and Research should not be confused with Independent Study, which is designed to provide non-letter-graded credit for field research, academic study not available in regular course work, or practice/performance in the arts. Independent study, unlike 91r, must be undertaken independently of regular classroom instruction, and generally may not be counted toward concentration or secondary field requirements

The process for proposing a Supervised Reading & Research tutorial is as follows:

1. Touch base with the EAS Program Coordinator to confirm your chosen project will constitute a viable addition to your concentration requirements.

2. Approach the faculty member with whom you wish to study, and explain your proposed topic.

3. If the faculty member agrees to supervise your tutorial, you will collaborate on creating a detailed syllabus and reading list, including information on how your work in the course will be evaluated/graded (e.g. final research paper, written/oral exam, etc.).

4. Submit this syllabus to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, cc'ing the EAS Coordinator, along with an explanation of why this tutorial will be beneficial for your course of study. 

5. Once you have received approval from the DUS, you may enroll in the course on my.harvard.


See also:

Office of Undergraduate Education

East Asian Studies Affiliated Faculty